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Mobile App


Gymbook is a mobile application that empowers users to organize their fitness routines. The app facilitates this by enabling users to make a personalized workout plan for tracking their fitness journey. Users can stay motivated by embracing the habit of diligent progress tracking, as they can witness their growth and success on their fitness journey.



What needs to change

The current interface requires users to navigate through excessive steps when creating a new workout plan, leading to a cumbersome and time-consuming process.

User Issue

Users find it challenging to efficiently create personalized workout plans due to the complex navigation and excessive steps, resulting in frustration and potential abandonment of the app.


Simplifying the workout plan creation process will enhance user satisfaction, encourage consistent app usage, and contribute to a positive overall user experience.



What will change

The redesigned Gymbook interface will transform to prioritize user-centric design and simplify the user onboarding process to provide clear guidance for new users.

User Enhancement

Users will experience a more intuitive and guided onboarding process, enabling them to effortlessly create personalized workout plans and track their fitness journey with clarity.


This redesign aims to reduce the learning curve for new users, fostering a sense of empowerment and motivation. The streamlined interface will facilitate efficient workout planning and progress tracking, ultimately enhancing the user experience.




Jayden Flores

Age: 32
Pronoun: He / Him
Status: Single
Occupation: Manager
Language: English

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Hold the title of manager at a retail store

Workout 3 times a week after work

Live alone in a one-bedroom apartment

Has a 3-year-old cat named Caramel








I need coffee now!

Let's try to hit PR today.

I wish I could stand on stage to complete one day.

Gosh I forgot to take my pre-workout.



Lack of planning

Busy schedule

Stress from work

Body image issues

Nutrious challenges

Goals and needs

Muscle growth

Supportive social network

Maintain a high-protein diet

Improve metabolically

Increase overall physical strength


Context Scenario

Introduce People, Objects, Environment

Jayden slowly woke up in his cozy, sun-drenched room and peeked at his phone, spotting the time: 11:25 on a lazy Sunday. He felt a spark of excitement for the day ahead, one of those rare breaks he cherished. Stretching out, he eventually rolled out of bed, all set for his well-deserved day off.

State Task at Hand

After a refreshing shower, Jayden made himself a freshly brewed coffee and rustled up some high-protein pancakes for breakfast. The sizzle of the pancakes filled the kitchen while he multitasked, checking out Gymbook on his phone to plan his workout later.

Detail the Task

His workout plans were like a puzzle, balancing what he'd done before with what he wanted to achieve. Today was earmarked for lower body action since he’d pumped up his upper body the day earlier. Even though he usually preferred working on his chest and back, Jayden’s big fitness goal nudged him to create a leg-centric workout plan for bodybuilding. Since he wasn’t a fan of quad exercises, he tailored the routine to focus on his hamstrings. He logged into Gymbook, browsed the leg exercises menu to find ones that caught his interest, added some that he plans to do later, and made adjustments to reps and sets before saving them to the list. With his workout plan all set, he grabbed a protein shake and donned his workout gear, prepping for his gym session.

Conclude with Task Completion

When Jayden arrived at the gym, he smoothly parked his car, feeling that familiar rush of excitement that always heralded the beginning of a workout session. He put his belongings in the lockers before going to the stretching area. There, he indulged in dynamic movements and stretches, setting the stage for the vigorous workout ahead. Setting his sights on the squat rack, he adeptly adjusted it to his liking, already mentally gearing up for the challenge. With Gymbook open on his phone, Jayden meticulously followed the roadmap of exercises and goals he'd laid out earlier. Each move was measured, each rep intentional, as he adhered to the planned weights and sets on the Gymbook app.

Upon completing the final set, a wave of accomplishment swept over him. As he scrolled through the completed exercises and workout summary on Gymbook, Jayden suddenly realized this app had become an indispensable ally in his fitness journey. It was more than just a workout log; it was a guide, a hub of goals, and a constant motivational boost to keeps him pursuing the goal of becoming a bodybuilder.

After his gym session, Jaden placed an UberEats order before heading home. Once he arrived, he indulged in a relaxing bath, leaving him refreshed and rejuvenated. The meal was delivered right after the shower, and he wasted no time grabbing the food. With his culinary delight in hand, he settled in front of Netflix, all set for a laid-back, restful evening.



Samantha Petrov

Age: 18
Pronoun: She / Her
Status: Single
Occupation: Student
Language: English

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Fulltime study at UTM Commerce & Finance 
Living at school residence with one roommate
Love eating out, sushi is her favourite
Inspired by the fitness influencer to start working out








Do you want to get sushi later?
Brown sugar milk tea with tapioca is the best!I wish I could be like her.
I hope this gym membership is worth the cost.



Needs motivation
Lack of knowledge
Don't know where to start Confusion about Nutrition

Afraid of getting injury

Goals and needs

Find inner peace
Develop lean muscle mass
Improving overall health and fitness Enhancing mobility and flexibility
Managing stress and anxiety through exercise


Context Scenario

Introduce People, Objects, Environment

After submitting the final project of the semester, Sam collapsed onto her bed, immediately diving into TikTok for a moment of relaxation. Just then, a message from her friend popped up, recommending an app named "Gymbook," perfect for beginners like her keen on starting a fitness journey.

State Task at Hand

Filled with curiosity and anticipation, she clicked into the app store, scrolling through the app's description. Thoughts of the fitness influencers she frequently encountered on Instagram motivated her immediately. Sam downloaded the app onto her mobile phone without hesitation, eager to kickstart her fitness journey.

Detail the Task

Sam delved into the app, exploring each page and feature it offered. She figuring out how this app works, creating her user profile, and recording her starting body measurements for future progress checks. She checked the available exercise breakdowns, keen on understanding the correct postures and muscle movement patterns, and added some exercises to the log that caught her interest. During her exploration, a message from her friend proposed a workout session together in two days. Sam agreed and said she was already using Gymbook to plan her fitness routine.

Conclude with Task Completion

Sam arrived on the scheduled gym day, ready to engage in her workout plan. She was so excited to show her friend the workout plan she made on Gymbook. Then, they started with a cardio warm-up and transitioned to beginner-level weight training exercises as planned; Sam checked the app's movement tutorial to navigate moments of uncertainty in targeting the right muscle groups. It was like having a fitness guide right at her fingertips. With each exercise checked off as "Done," it was like a little victory in the app, each tick marking a step forward. It was a relief for Sam not to stress about forgetting any exercises. Finishing each task brought a rush of progress and achievement. She felt like she was on track, thanks to the app's guidance and her friend's encouragement. Gymbook not only made sure she was doing the exercises correctly but also gave her a boost of confidence in her fitness routine. It was this careful planning and execution that left Sam feeling accomplished and revved up for more in her fitness journey.
Once back home, Sam treated herself to a well-deserved reward for her day's hard work. Crafting a delicious poke bowl, she savoured every flavorful bite, relishing the satisfaction of her efforts. While eating, she pulled out her phone and started to plan her next workout session, driven by the momentum of her accomplishments.



1. Home page

The main screen serves as a compilation of various details, allowing users to tap the plus icon in the toolbar to generate a new workout plan.

2. Create new workout

Users can input the plan's name, tags, notes, and the preferred workout schedule.

3. Workout plan created successfully

Once the plan is created, this page will display the details and recommend that the user add exercises to the plan at this point.



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4. Browse exercise

Users have the option to directly add exercises immediately after creating the plan. This particular page enables browsing and searching for exercises.

5. Exercise details

This page encompasses all the details associated with the selected exercises.

6. Editing

By tapping the "<start workout>" button, users can incorporate sets, reps, and weights to customize their exercise routine.

7. Confirmation

After the exercise has been successfully added to the current plan, the app will display a confirmation message.

Add Exercise.png










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The colour palette of this application is based on vibrant colours with noticeable contrast. Considering of users with visual impairments, such as low vision or colour blindness, may have difficulty distinguishing certain colour combinations. High colour contrast ensures that information is perceivable by a wider range of users.

Some users may struggle to perceive subtle colour differences. Depending solely on colour to convey information may result in important content being overlooked or misunderstood by these users, therefore this app did not use colour to convey information. 

Appropriate colour contrast can make text and important elements difficult to read. Adequate contrast between text and background enhances readability, making it easier for users to consume content and navigate the app.

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